

Raw, Wild and Whole Plum Extract
Price: $34.99
  • Antioxidant with Cleansing Properties
  • Supports Digestive and Urinary Systems
  • Rich in Polyphenols and Pectin

Raw, Wild and Whole Plum Extract


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PurelyWild, PlumClenzPurelyWild, PlumClenz


PlumClenz is a cleansing antioxidant.

Rich in whole food polyphenols and pectin. Polyphenols have antioxidant properties that support overall good health.

Wild plums are known for their cleansing properties, particularly in  digestive and urinary tracts.

This extract is derived from the entire plum fruit, including the skin.

Directions for Use

Take at least 2 teaspoons daily, while also increasing your consumption of both prunes and plums to a minimum of four servings per day.

Recommended Use

Antioxidant with cleansing properties. Supports your overall good health, digestive and urinary tract health too.

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