Medical Establishment

Codex: Worldwide Control of Supplements

The ‘Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act’ provides the FDA with legal authority to remove herbs from the market… Read More

Big Pharma Bad Karma

A progressive hospital administrator is currently touring the country, speaking out on the virtues of disease prevention… Read More

Anti-supplement Misinformation Presented As Truth

A prominent medical industry spokesperson recently received broad coverage by mainstream media, presenting mis-information as truth… Read More

American Medical Association

The AMA accepted huge sums of advertising fees from tobacco companies to advertise heavily in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)… Read More

American Dental Association gets Kiss of Death

The ADA protects centuries-old methods, with about 42% of their income from product endorsements… Read More

Podcast 100: Drugs, Herbs and Mainstream Medicine

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Mainstream media reports dangers of herbs that people have used for centuries, instead publishing pharmaceutical drug deaths… Read More

Evidence Based Medicine

We should be able to rely on doctors looking out for us based on more than a hunch… Read More

Why Doctors Don’t Change their Opinion

Shame is the main reason. Admitting to patients that a treatment was unsafe would be shameful… Read More