Medical Establishment

Immunity and Vitamins: Why Experts are Silent

There are natural, safe and inexpensive remedies to strengthen immunity, and decrease risks of diseases… Read More

Vaccinations: To Be or Not to Be

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Some vaccines are ineffective and even be harmful… Read More

How Tryptophan Was Banned

An essential amino acid, naturally found in turkey and milk. It’s been safely used in supplement form for years to treatment stress, insomnia and depression… Read More

Health System Statistics

The 2003 data shows that Heart Disease and Cancer are by far the most common causes of death in America… Read More

Dr. Russell Blaylock: How Modern Medicine Killed My Brother

His doctor didn’t have time to read or look up additional material… Read More

Empowering You to Take Charge of Your Health

Welcome to a healthier and happier – pain free – way to live out the rest of your life… Read More

Universal Immunization: Miracle or Mirage?

WHO set a new worldwide standard, more intensified goal of 90% immunization by 2000… Read More

Do You Need a Flu Shot (2018)?

Wondering if mainstream media is doing a good job of presenting balanced information about vaccinations… Read More

Vaccine Alert: Schools Not Listening

A furious Ohio mother says her 7-year-old son, who has had problems with medications, was vaccinated for swine flu at school against her wishes… Read More

Vaccination: Survival of the Correctly Informed

Some common falsehoods that most believe, and are detrimental to human health and immunity… Read More

Vaccine Opt-out Law

Because of lobbying, now it’s easier for Texas parents to opt-out of compulsory vaccinations for their children… Read More

Vaccinating For Profit

The Mandatory Childhood Vaccine Schedule was a government facilitated nation-wide experiment… Read More