Tag: algae

Scientific References: Ecklonia Cava

Extremely Effective Antioxidant from Edible Brown Algae Read More

Scientific Research: Exsula Ingredients

Listed Alphabetically for Your Convenience Read More


A vegetable you need, it’s packed with nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and many health benefits… Read More

Book: Primordial Food

AFA has the ability to stimulate stem cell release and migration, promoting healing, regeneration and repair… Read More

E3 Live Algae Reviews

People report so many benefits. They feel younger with more energy to get out of bed, and more energy to run marathons… Read More

AFA Benefits: Interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens

E3Live AFA has a unique energy that has an affinity to improving brain function. We now have clinical research showing AFA balances EEG readings and improves central nervous system functioning… Read More

Nutrients Within Algae

Benefits of Algae nutrients are well documented. Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin, Vitamin, Minerals, Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids, Enzymes, Antioxidants and more… Read More

E3Live Algae Recipes

Delicious and nutrient dense recipes from our kitchen to yours… Read More

E3Live Algae Experts’ Endorsements

Many experts agree that every person who wants to maintain a healthy physical and mental state use AFA Algae on a daily basis… Read More

E3Live Algae Facts

This miracle superfood AFA (aphanizomenon flos-aquae) is wild blue-green algae with so many health benefits… Read More


One of the richest sources of protein, beta carotene, and nucleic acids, more than most plants or animals… Read More

Algae: Green

Occasionally used fresh in salads, but is more often it’s processed before eating… Read More