Tag: asthma

Podcast 460: Wetway

With Emma Flanagan. Amazing Soak is a versatile solution that deeply oxygenates at a cellular level, relieving chronic pain, muscle soreness, inflammation and more… Read More

How Clean is YOUR Indoor Air?

Indoor air can be a source of health problems. However you feel about that (terrified or care-free), anyone can benefit by reducing air contaminants… Read More

Podcast 385: Amazing Soak Oxygenates

With Emma Flanagan. Having optimal levels of Oxygen in your body is required for healthy functions. More is better… Read More

Natural Remedies for Mold and Related Illnesses

Common symptoms of mold infestation are congestion, breathing and sinus issues, and susceptibility to illness and infection… Read More


Used as antibiotic, antifungal, antiparasitic, immune support and homeopathically for headaches and sunstroke… Read More


Thyme was historically used for chest and respiratory problems including coughs, bronchitis and chest congestion… Read More

Apple Nutritional Information

Apple Pectin is a soluble fiber which is known to lower blood cholesterol and reduces the amount of LDL cholesterol produced in the liver… Read More

Amor Seco

Amor Seco tea is used as a blood cleanser, to detoxify environmental toxins and chemicals. As a urinary tract cleanser and to treat ovarian and uterine problems such as inflammation and irritation, vaginal discharges and hemorrhages… Read More

Black Cumin Seed Oil

Black seeds contain over 100 chemical compounds and some of the ingredients are yet to be discovered and identified… Read More

Asthma and Breathing Conditions

Risk factors for asthma can be either inherent (something you are born with) or external (factors that you are exposed to), they differ for children and adults and can be modified to reduce the risk or severity… Read More

Allergy Season Advice

When your immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless substance as a threat, it fires up an allergic response… Read More

Alternative Medicine to the Rescue

Millions of people taking care of their health in very different ways from mainstream practices. This is known as alternative medicine… Read More