Tag: detoxification

Podcast 445: Detoxification with North American Herb & Spice

With Steven Harkins. Total Body Purge detoxifies heavy metals, parasites, glyphosate and more… Read More

Podcast 444: Thyrodine

With Phil Thomas. Thyrodine supports and protects your thyroid gland from radiation, balances hormones, reduces joint pain, strengthens immunity and more… Read More

Podcast 420: Special ZEOLITE Offer

With Eddie Stone. Zeolite removes a variety of heavy metals from your cells where they accumulate and can create serious health issues…. Read More

First Cleanse, Then Nourish

First cleanse in THIS order: bowel, liver, lymph, kidneys, blood and then continue to better nourishment… Read More

Ionic SPA Foot Bath Demonstration

Start with a bucket of water. Place the feet in with the water. Drop an ionizer into the water. Wait and see what happens… Read More

Health Basics to Enjoy a Pain-free Life

For a happier, longer and pain-free life you need proper hydration, adequate nutrition and effective toxin elimination… Read More

Empowering You to Take Charge of Your Health

Welcome to a healthier and happier – pain free – way to live out the rest of your life… Read More

Dry Brushing for Lymph and Skin Health

Benefits include lymphatic stimulation, skin exfoliating, detoxification, increased circulation and energy and reducing cellulite… Read More

Podcast 352: DeutOxyCell

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Oxygenate, cleanse and nourish your cells to improve energy… Read More

Podcast 306: Life-Enthusiast’s Founder’s Story

With Martin Pytela. A story of adversity, learning and immense personal growth. Learn from this hard-won wisdom… Read More

Podcast 296: Humic and Fulvic Acid

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Humic and Fulvic acids can beat the next civilization-ending epidemic. Humic Acid boosts your immune system. Fulvic Acid is a powerful detoxifier. Together they help you beat disease and slow aging… Read More

Podcast 295: Fukushima 2011 – Part 2

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Detoxify your system of toxic heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements and others… Read More