Tag: memory

Blood-Brain Barrier

All Essential Oils cross the blood-brain barrier. This makes them uniquely able to address disease, both physically and emotionally… Read More

Ecklonia Cava: Fountain of Youth from Brown Seaweed

Helps your body produce Nitric Oxide (NO) that dilates blood vessels and keeps them wide open. Prevents tightening and narrowing… Read More

Pregnenolone Basics

Pregnenolone, like DHEA, is a steroidal hormone manufactured in the body… Read More

Elk Antler Velvet: Uses and Scientific Studies

Long history of benefits include anti-aging, improve athletic and sexual performance, reduce pain from inflammation, good for heart, brain and immunity… Read More

Amino Acids Improve Memory

How many people have gotten home after a blindingly stressful day and realize that they’ve forgotten some important event or errand? Read More

Phosphatidyl Serine for Dementia

The link between old age and forgetfulness is close enough to be the subject of greeting cards, sitcoms and jokes… Read More

Memory Study and Blueberries

Study shows that an antioxidant-rich, blueberry-supplemented diet may stop brain aging in rats… Read More

Alzheimers Disease

Progressive, fatal illness causes areas of the brain to shrink, staring with small cognitive deficits, advancing to major personality changes… Read More

Body System Breakdowns

Basically all body system breakdowns are caused by either genetics, our toxic and nutrient depleted food our toxic environment… Read More

Podcast 353: EMPowerplus Advanced

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Nutritional supplement helps balance neurotransmitters, giving hope for serious mental health issues including suicide… Read More