
Showing all 8 results

  • Folium RelaX

    RelaX Super Antioxidant

    Stress Relief Calming Supplement

    $1.00 Cashback
     By: Folium
    Stress Relief Calming Supplement

    RelaX Super Antioxidant helps reduce stress when you're overwhelmed. Formulated with all-natural ingredients. Helps restore and support inner calm, relaxed mood in any situation. Promotes emotional and mental balance and clarity. Helps you deal with phases of despondence, nervousness or irritability. Helps calm your mind into a restful sleep. Without making you feel drowsy. Helps reduce free radicals Detoxify from heavy metals and radiation May strengthen...

    • May Restore Emotional and Mental Balance
    • Helps You Calm Down to Restful Sleep
    • Helps Detoxify from Radiation and Heavy Metals
  • Folium Immuno

    Immuno Super Antioxidant

    Stimulate Your Immune System While Detoxifying

    $1.00 Cashback
     By: Folium
    Stimulate Your Immune System While Detoxifying

    Immuno Super Antioxidant Designed specifically to combat toxins and micro-invaders that caused the current world health crisis. Including lung-related complications and hospitalizations. The ingredients work synergistically to disrupt the activity of invaders, toxins and proteins that are linked to diseases and chronic complications. Years of clinical trials and testimonials demonstrate these benefits. Patented formula ingredients work to: Help Boost Immunity Decrease infections (viruses). Enhance lung health. Especially important in the current world-wide situation. Feel better sooner. Recover faster from illness and over-exertion. May Detoxify, Full-Body Metal Cleanse Toxic metals are absorbed daily from the air we breathe, the food...

    • Helps Fight Infections and Boost Immunity
    • May Detoxify, Helps Physical and Mental Energy
    • Helps Reduce Pain from Inflammation
  • Adrenal Gland Support

    Ultra Energy

    Adaptogenic Herbal Tincture

    $0.66 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Adaptogenic Herbal Tincture

    Ultra Energy is a liposomal adaptogenic, broad-spectrum blend of herbs. Designed to: Support adrenal function Resilience to stress (daily, long-term and traumatic) May enhance brain health Helps boost overall energy, health and vitality. For both men and women. Research shows that adaptogenic herbs spread their actions through your entire body. To fortify you under stressful conditions. This supports long-term health. Gentle enough for everyday...

    • Adrenal Gland Support
    • Helps Resilience and Endurance (not exhaustion)
    • Support For Both Women and Men
  • RDT Herbs, Spirit Jing

    Spirit Jing

    Chinese Herbal Formula with ORMUS

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Chinese Herbal Formula with ORMUS

    Spirit Jing This immortal Spirit elixir has deep rejuvenation properties. Promotes peaceful happiness with a pleasant flavor. A longevity formula that calms and enlivens your spirit. Excellent daily nutrition for your entire family. Makes a delicious smoothie, or any other drink. Add to baking, yogurt, pudding, etc. Spirit Jing is a mixture of Black Foods. Research has confirmed that black pigmented foods support longevity. They contain high amounts of Antioxidants, Zinc, Iron, Molybdenum, and minerals that support kidneys and hormones. Spirit Jing contains ORMUS (orbitally rearranged monotomic elements) to increase efficacy. It helps...

    • Promotes Youthful Longevity
    • Supports Peaceful Happiness
    • Delicious Smoothie Ingredient
  • Nourish Blood and Chi


    Nourish Blood and Chi

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Nourish Blood and Chi

    Rakta is Sanskrit for blood. A wonderful warm Chi formula. Helps distribute vital essences throughout your body. Use to build and fortify your blood and Chi that is vital energy of life. Helps regulate healthy female menstrual cycles May strengthen metabolism Warms digestive organs, hands and feet Helps weight management Manages loose stool or constipation Enhances blood flow Alleviates lethargy by assisting in energy production. Indispensable formula for those who need more energy. Excellent for vegans and vegetarians. In Chinese herbology, some herbs are classified to "build blood". This classification happened because until...

    • Helps Strengthen Metabolism
    • Supports Menstruation
    • May Enhance Energy
  • RDT Herbs, Spiriccino


    Mushroom Coffee Substitute

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Mushroom Coffee Substitute

    Spiriccino is a sophisticated and effective coffee substitute. This herbal formula helps to peacefully supercharge your day. Help to avoid adrenal stimulants. After a morning cup of Spiritcino, you may feel the stress recede into peaceful empowerment. Charge your day charged with solid enduring energy. Not frantic jittery-ness. Wonderful mid-day drink, hot or cold. Ingredients are combined to create synergy for effectiveness. Renowned for many centuries, benefits are well documented. Rhodiola crenulata benefits adrenal  glands Lion's mane mushroom helps increase focus Reishi is known to help release anxiety Ho sho wu is thought to reverse...

    • Pleasant Coffee-like Taste
    • Lasting Energy
    • Promotes Calm Mental Focus
  • RDT Herbs, Shilajit


    Ancient Fulvic and Humic Acid from Himalayas

    $0.72 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Ancient Fulvic and Humic Acid from Himalayas

    Shilajit Shilajit is a powerful health-promoting substance for body, mind and spirit. Research shows Shilajit may be good for overall wellness. Benefits a vast array of health issues, promoting longevity and may improve: Dementia Heart health Low testosterone Fatigue Aging Iron deficiency...

    • Promotes Health of Body, Mind and Spirit
    • Vast Array of Health Benefits
    • 90.95% Fulvic – High Concentration Powder
  • RDT Herbs, TruCHAI


    Fresh-tasting Herb and Spice Chai Tea

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Fresh-tasting Herb and Spice Chai Tea

    TruCHAI creates an enticingly pleasant sensation on your tongue. And feels warming and cleansing in your stomach. Wonderfully fresh-tasting herb and spice blend. Unlike more recent Chai teas, this one does not include black tea. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties Provides energy Boosts immunity Helps reduce anxiety Support heart health Promotes digestive health. Ingredients are pure concentrated powdered extracts. Only one teaspoon is needed to make a warm and robust Chai tea. A real Chai formula, based on the original Ayurvedic recipe. Chai is a hot drink of herbs and spices, enjoyed for many...

    • Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-microbial
    • Helps Reduce Anxiety
    • Supports Heart and Digestive Health