
Showing all 2 results

  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture Cortisol Ease 1 oz


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Cortisol-Ease is an organic herbal tincture to help reduce stress. By removing and reducing excess cortisol. Helps Eliminate Stress, Emotional and Traumatic This unique formula addresses the issue of stress from excess cortisol in your body. Helps lower cortisol levels to normal - and stay there. Excess cortisol is the common after-effect of stressful lives with too much activity and not enough down-time. Over time, excess cortisol can cause all manner of symptoms from anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances and brain fog, to pain, food intolerances and drug addictions. Other symptoms include intestinal problems,...

    • Helps Reduce Stress (emotional, chronic, traumatic)
    • May Improve Sleep Quality
    • Stop Nightmares and Excess Vigilance
  • Earth Friend Herb Co. Stress-Ease Herbal Tincture 1 fl oz.


    Nervous System Support

    $0.22 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Nervous System Support

    Stress-Ease promotes a healthy and stress-free nervous system. Works fast to support a natural balanced state of peace. Helps you adapt to daily stress overload. Great tool to get through the day, calm and stress free. Nurtures and rebuilds with multiple actions: Feeds your entire nervous system. Helps fill in missing gaps in nerve sheathings. Alleviates nervous system misfires. These can lead to jumpy and nerve wracking experiences. Supplies nutrients that help with metabolic balance. High stress burns through your nutrient storehouse. This can create nutritional deficiencies in your nervous system. And other...

    • Helps Nurture and Rebuild Your Nervous System
    • Naturally Supports a State of Peace
    • Helps You Adapt to Immense Stress