Minerals: Major

Miracle Mineral Solution: Sodium Chlorite

Superior antimicrobial activity for 75,000 people with malaria that were treated and cured within a day, and 98% were cured within 4 hours… Read More

Magnesium and Iodine Deficiency

Impossible to get enough of both through food, supplementation is essential for regaining and maintaining good health… Read More

Symptoms of Mineral Deficiencies

List of each mineral and symptoms of deficiency, with possible associated diseases… Read More

Chelated Minerals vs Water-Chelated Minerals

The mineral profile of food from interior land is sufficiently less than food from coastal land… Read More


Sodium is essential but too much is not good, and creates a vast amount of health problems… Read More

Ionic Minerals Can Restore Body Functions

Powerful energy that can energize your body and destroy bad bacteria… Read More

Potassium in Apple Cider Vinergar

With honey, apple cider vinegar is a persistent fighter against germs and toxins… Read More


The body’s second most abundant mineral, it is widely essential to virtually every process in the body… Read More

Minerals: Tim O’Shea

One confusing topic – inorganic, organic, chelated, elemental, ionic, colloidal, essential, trace – all these claims… Read More

Minerals: Chelated, Colloidal and Ionized

Research clearly shows that ionized minerals are the easiest for the body to absorb and use… Read More

Mineral Content: Organic vs Conventional

Comparative analysis of the nutrient content of organic and non-organic food… Read More

Importance of Mineral Balancing

The 4 primary minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium need to be balanced appropriately… Read More