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Jaw Pain: TMJ Syndrome
End Jaw Pain, by Eliminating the Cause
If you have pain in your jaw, then you probably already know about TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Syndrome.
It can feel like you’ve been punched in the face!
TMJ Syndrome is inflammation, causing tightness and pain in the joint that connects your jaw to your skull.
If you have TMJ, you may:
- Not be able to open your mouth wide
- Your mouth can get stuck (open or closed)
- You might hear clicking in your jaw when chewing.
- Headaches and/or pain in neck and shoulders.
TMJ Syndrome can start from mechanical issues. From unusual pressure placed on your jaw from things like:
- Chewing gum
- Misalignment of teeth and/or jaw
- Grinding and/or clenching teeth (also called bruxism).
Often getting worse with increased stress.
These little repetitive stress injuries can create a continual state of inflammation in your temporomandibular joint.
Your jaw joint is highly innervated with more pain receptors and joint-position receptors than any other part of your body. So the pain can be overwhelming.
But more the more common origin of TMJ pain is overall excess inflammation from toxicity, causing calcification. This may also manifest in your whole body. Creating a spectrum of symptoms. Ranging from simple discomfort, to devastating and life-engulfing pain.
We all need regular and effective detoxification to maintain a pain-free body!
Regardless of the origin, inflammation in your TMJ can mis-align your jaw. And send signals to build up collagen and fibrinogen. They eventually develop into layers, attempting to stabilize the mis-alignment. These layers create a wedge that pushes your jaw further out of proper placement. Your TMJ develops a hard casing of calculi.
Earth Friend Herb Co has found that a nutritional imbalance allows this condition.
TMJ-Ease can correct this nutritional imbalance. Your body can literally disallows the environment for the fibrinous buildup to exist. Your body can return to its native state of ease.
You can eliminate the cause of your jaw pain!
Remember, at Life Enthusiast, we’re all about healing the cause of your pain, not just placing a band-aid on your symptoms. Your TMJ pain will disappear!
Dissolve the Calcification!
Results can be quite rapid. Within 2-4 weeks, there will be a change in the amount of fibrin and/or calculi . These offensive material are dissolving.
Nutrients to End TMJ Pain
TMJ-Ease provides the nutrients required to help end your TMJ inflammation. And cause a rapid re-absorption of of the hardened fibrinous material.
TMJ-Ease also neutralizes the acidic condition that allows hardened calculi to form. Allowing your jaw to find proper placement. Taking undue pressure off of the affected nerves.
Your TMJ can operate as intended. Free of the offending fibrinous build up. Pain and discomfort literally cease to exist.
Please know that this will not align a jaw without good alignment. That is the job of a TMJ dental expert. Alleviating the built up mechanical cause of TMJ makes their job faster and easier. A highly efficient treatment plan. Results in far less trauma and suffering.
All herbal ingredients are certified organically grown, or wild crafted in ecologically clean environments.