Tag: antioxidants

Podcast 478: Methylene Blue

This versatile compound is a powerful antioxidant that may help calm nerves, enhance energy and boost brain functions… Read More

Podcast 469: Exsula Superfoods Success Story

With Bob Peterson. These Superfood blends are crafted exclusively from whole foods, offering a comprehensive array of nutrients… Read More

Podcast 466: AO Scan

With Paige Wheeler. The AO Scan from a bioresonance device evaluates different facets of an individual’s health, and offers insights into the body’s energy frequencies… Read More

Podcast 455: Captimet and Electron Charger

With Spencer Feldman, discussing two new innovative products that help your body dispel harmful fat soluble toxins… Read More

Podcast 388 about Hydrogen

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Hydrogen protects from free radicals and premature aging, boosts your energy and hydration… Read More


Not just a popular pastry ingredient, it’s a powerful spice with a number of amazing health benefits… Read More

Chocolate and Cacao

Chocolate consumption should be evaluated based on your current state of health, but also on what you are actually calling chocolate… Read More

Herbal Teas

Hundreds of herbal teas combine to provide varying benefits that address specific health issues… Read More

Nutrients Within Algae

Benefits of Algae nutrients are well documented. Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin, Vitamin, Minerals, Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids, Enzymes, Antioxidants and more… Read More

Alpha Lipoic and Hydroxy Acids

ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) is called the Metabolic Antioxidant because it plays a vital role in the energy production of the cells… Read More

Can We Eat To Starve Cancer?

The crucial first (and best) step is to eat cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game… Read More

Podcast 191: New at Life Enthusiast 2010

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Zeolite and MegaHydrate are two new products offered at Life Enthusiast… Read More