Tag: essential fatty acids

Podcast 447: Andreas Seed Oils

With Andreas Wecker. Andreas Seed Oils are the first and only raw, undamaged organic seed oils. Zero oxidation. Support healthy aging, strong immunity, cardiovascular health, energy, cognitive functions, reduce inflammation and more… Read More

Essential Fatty Acids Explained

EFAs are called essential because your body cannot make them. They’re essential to your well being. You need to eat them every day… Read More

Book: Know Your Fats

The complete primer for understanding the nutrition of fats, oils and cholesterol… Read More

Coconut Oil Basics

Coconut Oil is a healthy cooking fat, and a wonderful beauty tool. Perfect for both your kitchen and bathroom… Read More

Nutrients Within Algae

Benefits of Algae nutrients are well documented. Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin, Vitamin, Minerals, Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids, Enzymes, Antioxidants and more… Read More

Essential Fats Relieve Pain: Personal Story

Have you ever woken up with a new, unexplainable pain? And no one knows what to do about it? It happened to me and I was able to get rid of it… Read More

Coconut Oil Virtues

Evidence suggests that adding coconut oil regularly to a balanced diet, lowers cholesterol to normal by promoting its conversion into pregnenolone… Read More

Autism Linked to EFA Deficiency

Parents reported EFA supplements given to their children produced better sleeping patterns, cognition, eye contact and sociability… Read More

Scientific References: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Listed Alphabetically for Your Convenience Read More

Podcast 308: Phytoplankton and Seed Oils

With Ian Clark. Unique marine Phytoplankton are nutrient-dense for whole body strength. Seed Oils are great health-building blocks… Read More

Podcast 159: Fish Oil and Heart Health

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Essential fatty acids, DHA, EPA and the mysteries of omega 3 and omega 6 oils… Read More

Podcast 154: Naturally Reduce Pain – Part 1

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. High Cholesterol only a symptom, not the cause of health problems… Read More