Tag: immunity

Podcast 481: Understanding Inflammation Beyond Arthritis

With Martin Pytela, breaking down the science of inflammation and arthritis, with clear insights and practical tips to help you take control of your health… Read More

Podcast 478: Methylene Blue

This versatile compound is a powerful antioxidant that may help calm nerves, enhance energy and boost brain functions… Read More

Zeolite Explained

A powerful internal cleansing agent, it safely binds to toxins (including heavy metals) to escort them out of your body… Read More

Podcast 473: Watch Your Water

Research shows toxins infiltrate our water, affecting organs including the kidneys, bowels, brain, heart, ovaries and testes… Read More

Podcast 469: Exsula Superfoods Success Story

With Bob Peterson. These Superfood blends are crafted exclusively from whole foods, offering a comprehensive array of nutrients… Read More

Podcast 460: Wetway

With Emma Flanagan. Amazing Soak is a versatile solution that deeply oxygenates at a cellular level, relieving chronic pain, muscle soreness, inflammation and more… Read More

Podcast 444: Thyrodine

With Phil Thomas. Thyrodine supports and protects your thyroid gland from radiation, balances hormones, reduces joint pain, strengthens immunity and more… Read More

Podcast 443: Oregano Oil

With Ms. Judy Gray. Oregano oil is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens immune function, fights aging, antifungal, antiviral & anti-inflammatory – excellent for colds & flus… Read More

Podcast 441: Earth Friend Herbs – New Products

With Elijah Free. New unique herbal formulas to subdue viral infections, nourish the heart and associated anatomy, reduce stress and restore thyroid gland function… Read More

Probiotics for EASY Digestion and STRONG Immunity

Probiotics balance the good and bad bacteria in your digestive system. Gives you better nutrient absorption, and toxin elimination. Free up your immune system to regain and maintain overall good health… Read More

Digestive System Issues

A vast array of digestive issues can be improved with Probiotic supplementation… Read More

Podcast 440: Panaceum for Healthy Microbiome – Part 2

With Spencer Feldman. Prebiotics create healthy internal environment, increased longevity and vitality… Read More