Tag: osteoporosis

Podcast 437: Cirsten W Health Talks – Part 10

With Cirsten Weldon. Answering your most asked health questions about heavy metal detox, immunity, digestive health, and more… Read More

Vitamin D: More Important for Bones than Calcium

Consuming more than 800mg of calcium/day may be unnecessary for bone health, if you have enough vitamin D… Read More

Vitamin D to End Illness

90% of our vitamin D comes from the sun but most cannot obtain sufficient amounts… Read More

Cancer-Preventing Vitamin D

High intake of vitamin D may prevent and treat cancer, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases… Read More

Wild Oats

Believed to free up testosterone in both men and women. Read More

Magnesium: Evidence of Effects

Adequate Magnesium lowers your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, and maybe migraines… Read More

Magnesium: Most Not Getting Enough

Magnesium is essential for the functioning of more than 300 enzymes. Proper magnesium levels help maintain normal heart rhythms… Read More

Magnesium Treatments

Bioavailability gauges the extent to which an administered substance reaches its site of action in the body… Read More

Book: Magnesium The Ultimate Heart Medicine

Magnesium’s role in preventing heart disease and strokes is accepted, yet cardiologists have not gotten up to speed with its use… Read More

Magnesium Awareness Gallup Poll

86% of respondents did not know magnesium is required. 56% of respondents listed Vitamin C as important among vitamins and minerals… Read More

Magnesium and Blood Clots

Shown to help reduce mortality in thrombolysis-ineligible patients with acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)… Read More

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Study showed estrogen taken alone for at least 10 years raised breast cancer risk by 40% and taken with progesterone, that figure went to 100%… Read More