Tag: ph balance

Test Your pH by Dr. Dennis Myers

The test is simple. You do a saliva test upon waking. Then test your second urine of the morning. Eat breakfast then check your urine pH between meals… Read More

pH Regulatory System Indepth

If you experiencing pH imbalance, it’s a direct result of what you eat and drink. Read More

How We Become Acidic

Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health, and those that do not… Read More

Diet Guidelines for pH Balancing

Stress on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual) cause the body to overproduce acid wastes, upsetting our delicate alkaline/acid balance… Read More

Characteristics of Acidity and Alkalinity

People with properly balanced pH will enjoy being emotionally stable, mentally clear and free from aches, pains and disease… Read More

Balanced Base Powder

This solution flushes out old accumulated acids in the painful joints of a tired body… Read More

Therapy For Latent Acidosis

If you have a chronic disease, consider taking the Advanced Metabolic Typing Test to help guide you to better results… Read More

Book: Death by Diet

Body fluids of healthy people are alkaline (high pH). Body fluids of sick people are acidic (low pH)… Read More

Acid-Alkaline Food Values

When access acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition… Read More

Acid-Alkaline Balance Details

The main reason we become acid is from failed digestion of protein, due to bad food combining and subsequent toxicity… Read More

Alkalinity and pH

There is some confusion between alkalinity and pH. Drink high pH water and it will have a strong medical affect… Read More

Acid and Alkaline Forming Foods

Acid and Alkaline Forming Foods. What you consume affects your body’s pH and every cellular exchange. Balance your pH for greater health… Read More