Tag: ph balance

Test Your Body’s pH Levels

To determine your acidity and your state of health… Read More

Lymph pH Management

Mineral absorption is the ultimate alkalizer. Most of us are acidic, find your Metabolic Type to determine if you are… Read More

Flu Prevention Instead of Flu Shots

Back in 2018 we wondered if “they” were looking for an excuse to sell a lot of vaccines, and create a compulsory vaccination program… Read More

Cancer and pH Balance

There are two factors that are always present with cancer, no matter what else may be present… Read More

Books: pH Balancing

Your pH balance reflects your health. When it gets out of balance, you have an environment where disease thrives… Read More

Scientific References: Water

Listed Alphabetically for Your Convenience Read More

Podcast 335: Gentle Detoxifying

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Detoxification will balance your pH and boost immunity… Read More

Podcast 271: Price vs Value in Supplements

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Want your supplements to work good, fast, or cheap? Pick two. Your health is your choice… Read More

Podcast 211: pH Balance

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Our body fluids pH needs to be about pH 7.35 and being under or over leads to diseases and aging… Read More

Podcast 200: Precious Prills and Water Ionizers

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Some people are overly acidic and will benefit greatly from drinking alkalized water daily… Read More

Podcast 155: Naturally Reduce Pain – Part 2

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Balance your nutrients (carbs, fats) and minerals too… Read More

Podcast 102: Alkalizing Minerals and Hydration

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. The right mineral supplements will support your body’s normal pH and that is essential for health… Read More