
Common Toxic Metals to Avoid

Mercury (dental fillings), thimoserol (vaccines), lead (paint, gasoline), aluminum (antiperspirants) and more… Read More

Cadmium Toxicity

Symptoms (alopecia to stroke), sources, toxic effects on your health and nutritional support… Read More

Beryllium Toxicity

Inhalation can cause shortness of breath, coughing, phlegm and lung inflammation that may lead to chronic scarring and disability… Read More

Bentonite Clay: Herbal First Aid

A priceless gift from Mother Nature, used increasingly as a natural remedy, both internally and externally… Read More

Barium Toxicity

Accidental or intentional ingestion of barium may lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain… Read More

Arsenic Toxicity

Arsenic poisoning primarily affects lungs, skin, digestive system and liver. It may feel like mental confusion and general aches (flu-like)… Read More

Aluminum Toxicity

Early symptoms may affect your nervous and digestive systems, skin, behaviors and tendency for colds/flu/infections… Read More

Sunscreen Health Warning

Many of the ingredients behave like estrogen at the cellular level and can make breast and uterine cancer cells grow more quickly… Read More

Sunblock Increases Cancer Risk

Remember never to get burned and never use sunscreen, simply use clothing to block the sun… Read More

Metabolic Disruptions from Toxic Overload

Detoxifying is an essential part of regaining and maintaining good health… Read More

MMR Vaccines DO Cause Autism

We must publicize widely that there are solutions to the damage that has been already done… Read More

Stages of Long-term Fluoride Poisoning (pdf)

Primary sources, variable and progressive symptoms and known treatments… Read More