Tag: anxiety

Psychotropic Drugs: Harbingers of Suicide

For those battling mental illness, there’s more to life than just popping pills and coping with harsh side effects… Read More

Murder by Psychotropic Drugs

The side effects of Psychotropic Drugs are broad, devastating, and woefully under-reported… Read More

Clinical Studies for EMPowerplus Advanced

New micronutrient formula offers hope for those who suffer with mental and mood disorders… Read More

Importance of Meditation

Focus your mind to cleanse away unwanted thoughts, to focus only on what you actually want… Read More

Herbs to Elevate Moods

St. Johns Wort in Magic (magnesium) Oil has helped relieve nervous disorders and emotional imbalances… Read More

Anxiety Drug Experiment

The issue of prescription mood modifiers and mental illness has been on my mind for a long time… Read More

Aromatherapy for Anxiety

Safe and natural alternative to pharmaceuticals for treating anxiety.. Read More

Is Food Affecting Your Mood?

Do you have a favorite comfort food? Is there a meal that makes you feel satisfied, calm, not stuffed, but happy and relaxed… Read More

Emotional Support

The words you use will activate a vibration within you, so choose affirmations carefully, with only positive words… Read More

Psychiatry: Scientific and Dangerous

Prominent psychiatrists from all over the world meet annually to discuss invention of new diseases… Read More

Psychiatric Association President Resigns

The organization reflects and reinforces, in word and deed, our drug dependent society… Read More

Prozac Approval Flawed

The focus should be adequately informing doctors and patients about the risks associated with Prozac… Read More