Tag: cancer


Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory research shows it helps reduce pain, prevent cancer, boost immunity, lower cholesterol, and protects your liver… Read More


One of the most fascinating and complex herbs with dozens upon dozens of hyper-exotic phytonutrients… Read More

Vitamin D to End Illness

90% of our vitamin D comes from the sun but most cannot obtain sufficient amounts… Read More

Vitamin B17 and Cancer

Used for well over 3000 years to treat treating cancer, studied extensively for well over 100 years… Read More

Cancer-Preventing Vitamin D

High intake of vitamin D may prevent and treat cancer, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases… Read More


In people treated with agaricus, chemotherapy-associated side effects such as appetite loss, hair loss, emotional instability, and general weakness were all improved compared to those who didn’t receive the supplement… Read More


Maitake is regarded as having the greatest number of health supporting properties of any of the oriental healing mushrooms. Read More

Glutathione and Cancer

Glutathione improves immune function in individuals with cancer, various malignancies and tumors… Read More


Noni is enzymatically catalytic in its activity, so even seemingly small amounts impact much more massive biochemical activities… Read More

Iodine: Universal Nutrient

We’re just beginning to rediscover the amazing curative powers of iodine… Read More

Glutamine: Amino Acid for Body Repairs

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the body, helps make proteins and necessary to make other amino acids and glucose… Read More

Doc’s Aminos Are THE Best

Years of research and testing went into creating the perfect balance in Doc’s Aminos… Read More