Tag: hydration

High Spin State (Energized) Water by Dan Nelson

The simple explanation of what the fundamental essence of water is strongly suggests errors in reasoning… Read More

Podcast 461: Water Beads

With Fred Kaufman. Water Beads are an incredible way to bring life back to water. They will energize and improve the quality of water in anything, including food, beverages, your body, pets and plants. Water Beads are a portable and convenient version of Water Sticks for water pipes… Read More

Podcast 388 about Hydrogen

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Hydrogen protects from free radicals and premature aging, boosts your energy and hydration… Read More

Water as a Communicator

Dr. Lee Lorenzen was bold enough to challenge the accepted notion that this decline in metabolic efficiency was an inevitable result of aging… Read More

Energized (Revitalized) Water Importance

Energized (revitalized) water has it’s molecules returned to their original pure, super-moisturizing state, for superior hydration… Read More

Physics of Sub-Nano Water by Dan Nelson

Most of our water has moved through pipes or confining underground aquifers, creating negative thermodynamic fluctuations… Read More

Hydration Research

Adequate fluid replacement helps maintain hydration and promotes optimal physical, mental and spiritual performance… Read More

Water Magnetization

Biomagnetic Hydrology: the interactive effects of two forces of natural energy… Read More

Ionized Water vs. Bottled Water

Bottled water is not as healthy as many believe, and tons of plastic bottles end up in landfills… Read More

Water Scientific Terminology

For navigating the role of water in health… Read More

Book: The Hidden Messages in Water

High-speed photography shows crystals formed in frozen water change when subjected to positive or negative thoughts or words… Read More

Chlorinated Water Health Hazards

Tests show that you absorb more chlorine from a 10 minute hot shower, than drinking 8 glasses of the same water… Read More