Tag: recovery

Recovering from Surgery or Trauma

The most effective strategy is to help alkalize the damaged tissue, and help suppress the inflammatory response… Read More

Sleep Basics

Natural periodic state of rest for both body and mind, to build immunity, reduce stress and improve your moods… Read More

Post Surgical Healing Advise

Adequate rest, hydration, nutrition and positive thoughts are all critical for complete recovery… Read More

Preventing Injuries and Tips For Recovery

Always warm up, gradually increase intensity, take lessons and invest in good equipment… Read More

Podcast 356: Lazarus

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Superfood blend for internal repairs and recovery from serious health challenges… Read More

Podcast 014: Recover from Pain – Part 2

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Simple anti-inflammatory supplements can reduce your risk of dying prematurely, from the most common causes… Read More

Podcast 012: Recover from Pain – Part 1

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. About restoring balance from jet lag, lack of sleep and paying the price of not allowing enough time for recovery… Read More