
Showing 33–48 of 76 results

  • Health and Wisdom Topical Magnesium Snow 75 grams

    Magnesium Snow (Powder)

    Easy Mineral Supplement

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: TransDerma Minerals
    Easy Mineral Supplement

    Magnesium Snow helps to pull toxins from deep within your body through skin cells, not to be reabsorbed. Use this powder mixed into a wet paste that will pull toxins from your skin. You can further enhance this effect by mixing in some Laminar Powder. Magnesium Carbonate will easily get rid of your constipation. Be very careful with the amount you try, as its effects can be quite dramatic. Unless and until you clean out your insides, diseases can only be in remission, prepared to resurface. Your path to health must include...

    • Soothes Nervous System for Deeper Rest
    • Helps Relieve Joint and Muscle Pain
    • Helps Overcome Stress and Bad Moods
  • PurelyWild SpruceAlive Wild, raw spruce extract-plus 1 fl. oz.

    SpruceAlive Drops

    Full Spectrum Spruce Resin Extract

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: PurelyWild
    Full Spectrum Spruce Resin Extract

    SpruceAlive Drops support your cellular health. With the power of wild, raw Spruce Resin Extract. Topical antibacterial and antifungal properties support healthy tissue regeneration to help repair skin sores and wounds Supports your natural internal cleansing response Helps cleanse urinary and digestive systems May increase strength needed for daily work Supports healthy sleep (rise earlier with more energy and strength). Ethically picked and processed. Carefully removed by hand from trees in the far northern wilderness. Spruce resin is produced by wild spruce trees to repair them from trauma and injury. Humans can...

    • Supports Cellular Health and Tissue Regeneration
    • Antibacterial and Antifungal (skin repair)
    • Digestive, Immune, Heart, Blood pressure and Prostate Support
  • Twilight America Crystal Pearls Sparkly

    Crystal Pearls – Sparkly

    Make Energized Water, Fast

    $0.60 Cashback
     By: Twilight America
    Make Energized Water, Fast

    Crystal Pearls - Sparkly work faster than Crystal Pearls in water-contact applications. Turn ordinary tap water into pure, Energized Water. A much superior product. Energized Water has its molecules returned to their original pure, super-moisturizing state. This allows maximum moisture absorption into your cells, your pets and plants. Superior hydration is one major key to body repairs. And the maintenance of health and vitality. They do not dissolve, use them over and over. Superior hydration: Helps reduce pain from inflammation Increases nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. May strengthen immunity Helps clearer...

    • Energize Water for Drinking – Hyper-Hydrate Every Cell
    • Spray Treated Water On Your Skin for Moisture
    • Use Treated Water for Cooking, Better Taste
  • Twilight America Crystal Pillows

    Crystal Pillows

    Rejuvenation Tool

    $0.60 Cashback
     By: Twilight America
    Rejuvenation Tool

    Crystal Pillows Marvelous restorative tool for calming the busy mind. Use it to relax and find your center, enhance your meditation and improve your sleep. You can sleep with your pillow. Place it on any body part that needs repairs. Laminar Crystal Pillows Laminar Crystals have the capacity to energize water and can be used on any area of your body. It's an accumulator of vital force, to restore (rather than replace) vital fluids in your tissues. Laminar Crystals act as a battery charger for the human biological battery. If you cannot rest sufficiently, your energy...

    • Release Blockages, Restore Flow
    • May Improve Sleep and Energy
    • Helps Eliminate Pain and Improve Your Well-Being
  • Allegany Nutrition, Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals

    Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals

    Full Spectrum, Over 72 Trace Minerals

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Allegany Nutrition
    Full Spectrum, Over 72 Trace Minerals

    Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals are excellent for body repairs and maintenance of your overall good health. Helps prevent discomforts and disease. Minerals help perform vital functions such as: Energy production pH balance Formation of blood and bone Maintaining healthy nervous system Body repairs Essential for proper utilization of nutrients Essential for regulating and manufacturing enzymes, amino acids and hormones Can prevent muscle spasms and leg cramps. It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of minerals and trace minerals for good health. All enzyme activities involve minerals. They are the catalysts for all nutrients...

    • Vital for Body Repairs and Maintenance
    • Naturally Balanced
    • Safety Assured
  • ChagaMax

    The King of Medicinal Mushrooms

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    The King of Medicinal Mushrooms
    Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $33.99.

    Chag-o-Power is Raw, Wild Chaga Mushroom emulsion. Chaga Mushrooms May Speed Body Repairs and Boost Longevity Antioxidant Antibacterial and antiviral helps prevent and recover from colds and flus Anti-inflammatory (capabilities similar to steroid drugs - without negative effects) May improve cardiovascular health (cholesterol control) and metabolic health Helps balance blood sugar Detoxifying ChagaMax Chaga mushrooms are the best known source of the antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) - up to 30% SOD by weight. SOD plays a critical role in reducing oxidative damage (tumors) and inflammation (pain, stiffness). Packed with the Vast Nutrition of Wild...

    • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory
    • May Improve Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health
    • Detoxifying Helps Boost Immunity
  • Gingerol

    Tasty with Health Benefits

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Tasty with Health Benefits
    Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $33.99.

    Gingerol is great for use in cooking and beverages. Ginger Supports Good Digestion Poor digestion symptoms may be stomach aches, heart burn, diarrhea, spasms, nausea, vomiting. Antiseptic May kill infections (dysentery, food poisoning, malaria). Expectorant - Mucous Expelling May help respiratory problems (coughing, cold and flu congestion). Anti-inflammatory May reduce pain (muscles, joint aches, headaches). Ginger is Good for Heart Health May lower cholesterol, may prevent blood clots. Antioxidant Kill free radicals. May reduce risk of tumors and slow aging. Aphrodisiac Supports sexual desire and may help...

    • Supports Good Digestion
    • Antiseptic, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory
    • Expectorant (Mucous Expelling)
  • Ormus Oils Tree of Life ORMUS

    Tree of Life ORMUS Oil

    Enhance Your Divine Connection

    $0.50 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Enhance Your Divine Connection

    Tree of Life ORMUS Oil enhances your connection to the Divine. Potent and rejuvenating. Strengthens the link between the physical and spiritual. Spiritual Benefits: Aids in spiritual growth and perfection, enhances your connection to the Divine, and assists in journeying and other shamanic practices. Physical Benefits: Squalene: A fat-soluble antioxidant that is known to deactivate free radicals generated by exposure to the sun's UV radiation. Promotes healthy cell growth, is a natural antibacterial agent, and has been shown in scientific studies to have positive effects in the management and prevention of dermatitis...

    • The Most Potent and Rejuvenating ORMUS Oil To Date
    • Representing Immortality and Renewal
    • Link Between the Physical and Spiritual Worlds
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Melatonin


    Supports Healthy Sleep-Wake Cycles

    $0.36 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Supports Healthy Sleep-Wake Cycles

    Melatonin helps restore your healthy, normal sleep patterns. Deep restorative sleep promotes nightly repair, regeneration and detoxification. Fast Effects from Superior Delivery This antioxidant hormone that's naturally produced in your body. With age, your production of this hormone decreases, and often sleep cycles do also. Melatonin is Beneficial for: Normalizing your sleep-wake cycles (circadian rhythm) Occasional sleeplessness Jet lag Altered sleep schedules from shift work Support immune function, brain, cardiovascular, digestive and bone health May have anti-inflammatory effects Neuroprotective molecule and radical scavenger Your sleep is regulated by exposure to light and darkness. Light...

    • Helps Restore and Support Healthy Sleep
    • May Offset Travel Related Tiredness (jet lag)
    • May Support Immunity, Cardiovascular and Bone Health
  • Health and Wisdom Mica Crystals 4 lbs

    Mica Crystals

    Make Your Own Energy Device that Lasts Forever

    $0.39 Cashback
     By: TransDerma Minerals
    Make Your Own Energy Device that Lasts Forever

    Mica Crystals collect life force energies that you can use to make your own energy devices and Enhance water quality in drinks and food Restore Life Force in massage or aromatherapy oils Harmonize all living cells in your body Create awesome resting places for people or pets. You might like to read "Energized Water...

    • Create Devices that Energize Your Water and Food
    • Build Your Own Energy Charger (pillow, sleeping mat or pet bed)
    • Build Your Own Orgone Accumulators
  • Andreas See Oils 5 Seed Oil Blend 7 fl. oz. (207mL)

    5 Seed Oil Blend

    Powerful Overall Health Booster

    $0.39 Cashback
     By: Andreas Seed Oils
    Powerful Overall Health Booster

    5 Seed Oil Blend The ultimate super oil, pressed to perfection, may provide: Increased Energy Digestive support Stronger immunity Brain and heart nourishment Boost for bone strength and density Reduce inflammation Balance hormones. And so much more. 5 Seed Oil Blend supports nearly every single function in your body. It picks up where your regular diet leaves...

    • Digestive Support
    • May Increase Energy and Immunity
    • Feeds Your Brain, Heart and Bones
  • Andreas Premium Flax Seed Oil 7 fl. oz. 207mL

    Premium Flax Seed Oil

    Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant

    $0.39 Cashback
     By: Andreas Seed Oils
    Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant

    Premium Flax Seed Oil Maximize the nutritional benefits of the seeds. Without potential digestive issues associated with eating the seeds. Better  absorption and does not aggravate bowel conditions. Does not tax your liver or other organs. Premium Flax Seed Oil contains up to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods. Lignans: Powerful antioxidant and estrogen properties. Promising effects in reducing growth of tumors, especially hormone-sensitive ones such as those of the breast, endometrium and prostate. May reduce Inflammation, improve mobility Eases joint pain, especially with degenerative inflammatory conditions Supports cardiovascular health (reduces cholesterol) Enhances...

    • Digestive Support
    • Helps Reduce Inflammation and Pain
    • Supports Your Heart and Brain
  • Herb and Spice Pine Power Immune Support 8 fl. oz.

    PinePower Plus

    Cleansing and Immune Support

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Cleansing and Immune Support

    PinePower Plus supports a healthy immune system and: Historically used for detoxification. Rich in raw enzymes to enhance digestion. Excellent for energy and stamina. Supports neurological functions. This extract from Red and White Pine Needles is high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Contains terpenes including alpha-pinene, D-limonene, Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP) germacrene and more. BCP is known to support: Detoxification of your brain and nervous system Brain cognition Immune and nervous system function Respiratory health and eye health Healthy response to inflammation Helps with red blood cell production. Taoist priests drank this tea regularly, believing...

    • Supports Your Cleansing Mechanisms
    • May Strengthen Immunity and  Digestion
    • Raw and Wild
  • Ormus Oils Trinity Manna

    Trinity Manna

    Synergistic Blend of ORMUS Waters

    $1.80 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Synergistic Blend of ORMUS Waters

    Trinity Manna The Trinity symbolizes the One Divine Nature of All - a reminder of the unity of all things, and that there is strength, beauty, continuity and purpose in that unity. Mind, Body, Soul. Maiden, Mother, Crone. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Will, Wisdom, Love. Father Light, Mother Space, Individualized Child. Life, Death, Rebirth. Earth, Sea, Sky. Waxing, Full, Waning. Yin, Tao, Yang. Sulphur, Mercury, Salt. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Sun, Moon, Stars. Created by water alchemy method, using ORMUS from a trinity of primary source waters: Dead Sea Atlantic Ocean Great Salt...

    • Embodies Synergistic Powers of “The Three”
    • The Trinity Holds Strength, Beauty, Continuity and Purpose
    • From Three Primary Source Waters
  • Purality Health Active B Complex

    Active B Complex

    Liposomal B Vitamins

    $0.45 Cashback
     By: Purality Health
    Liposomal B Vitamins

    Active B Complex Helps You Feel and Look Younger Essential for an Active, Healthy Lifestyle May support your energy, performance and well being in everyday life, and your chosen hobby or sport. May reduce stress, increase energy and support your immune system. In studies, B-Vitamins have been shown to support a wide range of bodily processes: Increase energy (1) Improve your stress response and immune function (2) Enhance sleep quality Boost moods and brain functions (3) Youthful appearance (4) Promotes thick hair and healthy nails (14,4) Support cardiovascular health (15) And more... Contains 9...

    • May Reduce Stress and Increase Energy
    • May Immune System Support
    • Powerful Antioxidant with Unparalleled Absorption
  • Amorata Sexual Potency by RD Herbs 90g


    Chinese Herbal Formula with ORMUS

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Chinese Herbal Formula with ORMUS

    Amorata is primarily a sexual and athletic formula. Fortifying your sexual energy is a fast way feel rejuvenated. If you feel like your candle's light is dim, Amorata can help increase the flame. Improve your strength for an adventurous, and romantic life. Long-revered in Asia to support and rejuvenate sexual potency. This powerful herbal combination extract supports: Physically and sexually active men and women Yang energy Anti-aging Athletic endurance Helps fortify against burnout Fertility Energizing and rejuvenating. ORMUS (orbitally rearranged monotomic elements) is included to increase efficacy. It helps boost your...

    • Enhances Athletic and Sexual Energy
    • Anti-aging and Rejuvenating
    • Helps Fortify Against Burnout