Minerals: Trace


Chromium is involved in maintaining blood sugar, energy, cholesterol regulation and possibly involved in the synthesis of DNA… Read More


Iron has three principal functions in your body: oxygenation, energy, detoxification… Read More


Scarce in soils, except some volcanic soils near ancient, major meteor strikes. The utilizable monatomic form is even more scarce… Read More

Trace Minerals

They are absolutely necessary for good health at any age, but they’re required in very small amounts… Read More


Copper is essential for utilization of vitamin C and iron, energy, enzymes involved in healing, nerves and RNA (longevity)… Read More


Cobalt is essential and needed in small amounts. It’s an integral in supporting red blood cell production and forming myelin nerve coverings… Read More

Functions of Minerals

From Boron to Zinc, the best mineral supplements are from plants or herbivores that have already ‘digested’ them… Read More

Zeolite Removes Toxins from Poisoned Water

It’s honeycomb-like structure works at the cellular level eliminate heavy metal toxins… Read More

Exsula Superfoods Renaissance Formulas

The result of 36 years observing, questing and developing Energized Water from Exsula Superfood blend originator Dr. Jevari Oberon… Read More

Miracle Mineral Solution: Sodium Chlorite

Superior antimicrobial activity for 75,000 people with malaria that were treated and cured within a day, and 98% were cured within 4 hours… Read More


Boron helps with hardening of the bones, raises natural estrogen levels and prevents facial skin wrinkling… Read More

Minerals: Tim O’Shea

One confusing topic – inorganic, organic, chelated, elemental, ionic, colloidal, essential, trace – all these claims… Read More