Tag: autoimmune

Stages of Long-term Fluoride Poisoning (pdf)

Primary sources, variable and progressive symptoms and known treatments… Read More

Fibrosis and Fibro-Ease

Fibrosis is an inflammatory condition of fibrotic tissue. Fibromyalgia occurs when body chemistry departs its normal harmonious state… Read More

Fibromyalgia: Is It Real

It DOES exist, but to most physicians, it’s a mystery. Unrelenting and debilitating pain is often seen to be in the patient’s head… Read More

Vitamin D Prevents Cancer by Jeremy Laurance

40-year review of research has found that daily vitamin D could cut the risk of some cancers by up to half… Read More

Book: Health Myths Exposed

This book aims to liberate people to resist the push towards prescription drug servitude… Read More


HIV and AIDS are a smokescreen for depopulation efforts through other means. The depopulation campaign is going well… Read More

Drucker Labs 10 Reasons to Supplement

To assimilate a trace mineral, it must be chelated, organic and in an ionic form… Read More

Drucker Labs intraMIN In-depth Synopsis

To assimilate a trace mineral, it must be chelated, organic and in an ionic form… Read More

Drucker Labs intraCell Technology

New proprietary and ground-breaking “carbon-bond” technology infuses over 415 life-promoting nutrients into cells… Read More

ZEO Health

Studies have shown that the natural mineral Zeolite has very beneficial uses to live healthy… Read More

Doc’s Nutrients

Supplementation with Doc’s Aminos may provide your body with an essential foundation for health… Read More

Podcast 325: Auto-Immune Disease Solution

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Autoimmune diseases can be reversed with alternative methods… Read More