Tag: detoxify

Zeolite Explained

A powerful internal cleansing agent, it safely binds to toxins (including heavy metals) to escort them out of your body… Read More

Podcast 446: Karma Cleanse

With Phil Thomas. Karma Cleanse is an herbal tonic that supports your body’s natural detox mechanism. Cleanses the liver, blood, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and more… Read More

Podcast 445: Detoxification with North American Herb & Spice

With Steven Harkins. Total Body Purge detoxifies heavy metals, parasites, glyphosate and more… Read More

Podcast 442: Sulfur Salts

With Phil Thomas. Sulfur Salts help you detoxify from heavy metals, enhance circulatory health, repair thyroid and metabolic functions, improve blood pressure, stress and more… Read More

Podcast 369: Cell-Ease and Cell-Ease Support

With Elijah Free. Excellent support for proper nutrient absorption and toxin elimination, to be rid of chronic inflammation (pain) and autoimmune diseases… Read More

Deuterium Sulfate: History and Uses

Permanently change the molecular structure of the soil through oxidation and reduction processes… Read More

Ancient Rejuvenation Technology

Replica of ancient technology accumulates life force and transfers it to water for pain relief, more energy and clear thinking… Read More

Chlorinated Water Health Hazards

Tests show that you absorb more chlorine from a 10 minute hot shower, than drinking 8 glasses of the same water… Read More

Basics of Cleansing to Detoxify

Regular cleansing (both internal and external) of your body is required for the maintenance of health, or reversal of disease. No exceptions… Read More

Pleasurable Detox in Your Bathtub

If you’re feeling in need of relaxation and rejuvenation, a detoxifying bath may be just what you need. Full bathtub or footbath only… Read More

Household Cleaners can Make You Sick

If you’re using common household cleaners, your indoor air is way more polluted than outside. They really can affect your health… Read More

Liver Cleanse to Rebuild

Detoxify your liver to help slow aging. If your liver is clogged with toxins you’ll feel tired and miserable. A healthy liver gives you lots of energy… Read More