
Showing 1–16 of 75 results

  • Twilight America Magic Water

    Magic Water

    Energetically Enhanced Water

    $0.10 Cashback
     By: Twilight America
    Energetically Enhanced Water

    Magic Water is Energized Water that helps revitalize, moisturize and soften wrinkles away. It can also soothe irritated eyes. Do NOT underestimate this Aging Reversal Tool! This exceptional liquid is the perfect delivery system for sending nutrients directly into living cells. It may enhance cellular nutrient absorption. Supports maintenance, repairs and regeneration of living cells. Take a look at these blogs: "Miraculous Messages from Water" by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Research demonstrating how energy and vibration affects water. "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr. Batmanghelidj About the importance of water in our...

    • Ultimate Moisturizer, Helps Hydrate and Decrease Signs of Age
    • Penetrate and Hydrates Your Cells – Restore Moisture and Flexibility
    • Soothes Dry Eyes, Soothe Sun Burn and Insect Bites
  • Transderma Minerals thyrodine in 0.5 and 1 oz. glass bottles


    Iodine to Support Your Thyroid and Mucosal Barriers

    $0.20 Cashback
     By: TransDerma Minerals
    Iodine to Support Your Thyroid and Mucosal Barriers

    Thyrodine supports and protects your thyroid gland (even from radiation damage). Helps balance hormones to reduce mood swings. May strengthens mucosal barriers to help limit access to external threats. May increase energy  and endurance Helps reduce joint and muscle pains May improve elasticity of muscles and tendons Helps speed repair from injuries May clear thinking, less brain fog Helps manage blood glucose May improve sweating mechanism for detoxification May improve elimination Helps decrease menstrual issues (PMS, mood swings) May reduce body odors (vaginal, foot, underarm, etc.) Effective on ringworm and toenail fungus...

    • Healthy Thyroid Support – effective non-toxic product
    • Atomic Iodine – effective in loading your thyroid and other glands
    • Stimulate your endocrine system, support sexual and metabolic function
  • Twilight America Black Crystals

    Black Crystals

    Remove Energy Blockages

    $0.10 Cashback
     By: Twilight America
    Remove Energy Blockages

    Use these Black Crystals to create harmonizing energy devices. Placed on any area of distress, it enhances your cellular function, the sodium-potassium pump that drives cellular exchanges, and the mitochondria that drive the energy production. Black Crystals can enhance the flow of your life energies, and help remove energy blockages. These crystals are naturally paramagnetic and will realign your energy flow patters, prepares you for detox in the Crystal Bath and for recharging in the Laminar Crystal bed. The Black Crystal is used in the first phase of our Star Chamber rejuvenation protocol....

    • Realign Your Cellular Energies, Restore Dynamic Flow
    • Make Your Own Energy Devices to Enhance Your Life Energy!
    • Build Your Own Star Chamber and improve energy flow
  • Twilight America Crystal Pearls

    Crystal Pearls

    Make Energized Water

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: Twilight America
    Make Energized Water

    Crystal Pearls instantly turn ordinary tap water into pure, Energized Water. A much superior product. Energized Water has its molecules returned to their original pure, super-moisturizing state. This allows maximum moisture absorption into your cells, your pets and plants. Superior hydration is one major key to body repairs. And the maintenance of health and vitality. They do not dissolve, use them over and over. Superior hydration: Helps reduce pain from inflammation Increases nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. May strengthen immunity Helps clearer thinking with more balanced emotions. Wonderful for making plant extracts and infusions....

    • Energize Water for Drinking – Hyper-Hydrate Every Cell
    • Spray Treated Water On Your Skin for Moisture
    • Use Treated Water for Cooking, Better Taste
  • Transderma Minerals Magnesium Drops

    Magnesium Drops

    Easy Mineral Supplement

    $0.11 Cashback
     By: TransDerma Minerals
    Easy Mineral Supplement

    Fast and effective Magnesium Drops help relieve stress and more... Magnesium is critical for your cellular health, nervous system, and regenerating and maintaining living tissue. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for virtually every reaction in your body. Supports cellular regeneration. Magnesium is involved in almost all cellular processes in your body. It is traditionally used to relieve pain from inflammation and stiffness. It is the most important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium and potassium). It supports  maintenance, repairs and regeneration of living cells. It soothes your...

    • Soothes Nervous System for Deeper Rest
    • Helps Relieve Joint and Muscle Pain
    • Helps Overcome Stress and Bad Moods
  • Twilight America St Johns Wort

    St. Johns Wort

    Herbal Tincture

    $0.25 Cashback
     By: Twilight America
    Herbal Tincture

    St. Johns Wort supports emotional balance and stable moods. Helps clear nervous problems to leave dark thoughts behind and feel more joy. May improve sleep and increase energy. This formula contains St. John's Wort that is delivered with a unique delivery system of Energized Water and Magnesium. Promotes better and faster absorption. A totally unique way to apply herbal remedies directly to the cellular level, by way of your skin, your body's largest organ. The Drops are much more effective than just the plain...

    • Supports Emotional Balance, Stable Moods
    • Magnesium Supports Your Nervous System
    • Good for Dark Winter Moods
  • Marine Phytoplankton

    Nutrient Dense Food from The Ocean

    $0.15 Cashback
     By: UMAC-Core
    Nutrient Dense Food from The Ocean
    Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $15.00.

    Marine Phytoplankton Phyto = Plants and Photosynthesis Plankton = Floating in Water The micronutrients and perfect pH balance found in Marine Phytoplankton help your cells function at optimal levels. High density nutrients supports the structure and function of all organs in your body. A diet lacking in these micronutrients may result in dysfunction and increased disease. Key Benefits Helps cleanse and detoxify your blood Helps skin disorders Assists in digestion Helps metabolizes fat Bolsters your immune system Encourages weight loss Provides energy and vitality Powerful antioxidant Helps control blood pressure May increase energy May improve sleep quality Eases muscle and joint discomforts Helps reduce...

    • Discounted for Decreased Potency (out of date)
    • Whole Food Nutrition – Excellent Source of Micro-Nutrients
    • Supports Energy and Immune Strength
    • Helps Stabilize Emotions
  • Power Down

    Promotes Restful, Restorative Sleep

    $0.15 Cashback
     By: NB Pure
    Promotes Restful, Restorative Sleep
    Original price was: $27.95.Current price is: $15.00.

    Power Down can help you get the deep, restful sleep you need. Experts agree that sleep is essential for building a strong immune system. Other benefits of Power Down include: Helps you fall asleep more quickly Helps you sleep deeply and wake without feeling drowsy Avoid side effects (common with prescription sleep medications). Each ingredient is chosen for its proven effectiveness. They really work to support sleep and build your natural immunity. Helps get you to sleep deeply. Without medicine. Without melatonin. And without feeling drowsy the next day. Non-habit forming. All-natural...

    • Helps You Get More Restful Sleep
    • You May Wake Up Feeling Refreshed
    • Non-habit Forming
  • Transderma Mineralsm Magnesium Gels

    Magnesium Gel

    Easy Mineral Supplement

    $0.17 Cashback
     By: TransDerma Minerals
    Easy Mineral Supplement

    Fast and effective Magnesium Gel helps relieve stress and more... Magnesium is critical for your cellular health, nervous system, and regenerating and maintaining living tissue. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for virtually every reaction in your body. Supports cellular regeneration. Magnesium is involved in almost all cellular processes in your body. It is traditionally used to relieve pain from inflammation and stiffness. It is the most important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium and potassium). It supports  maintenance, repairs and regeneration of living cells. It soothes your nervous...

    • Soothes Nervous System for Deeper Rest
    • Helps Relieve Joint and Muscle Pain
    • Helps Overcome Stress and Bad Moods
  • Ormus Oils Nettle Spagyric Tincture

    Nettle Spagyric Tincture

    Herbal, Alchemical Tincture

    $0.24 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Herbal, Alchemical Tincture

    Nettle Spagyric Tincture is taken for more masculine energy, more passion and sexual energy, strong will and determination. Also helps with: Anti-inflammatory may help breathing difficulties and reduce pain May improve prostate health Helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar Helps regulate kidneys and immune system over-reactions (allergies) May improve menopause-related issues May improve bone health Helps strengthen hair Helps slow aging. Intuitive Tonic for More Passion and Determination The object of plant alchemy is to supplement forces lacking within the body, tempering energies and restoring balance, both physically and spiritually. "Alchemy provides the...

    • Anti-inflammatory Helps with Breathing Difficulties
    • May Improve Prostate Health
    • Helps Lower Blood Pressure
    • May Control Blood Sugar
  • Ormus Oils Solar Plexus Chakra ORMUS

    Solar Plexus Chakra ORMUS

    Herbal, Alchemical Tincture

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Herbal, Alchemical Tincture

    Solar Plexus Chakra ORMUS Balance your Solar Plexus Chakra that influences your identity, personal power, and sense of self-worth. Imbalances can take on polar opposites ranging from low self-esteem to arrogant, selfish behavior. ORMUS Oils and Lotions Both allow for the absorption of ORMUS through the skin directly into the bloodstream to be circulated where it is needed most. Choose your preference. ORMUS Mists are aromatherapy sprays, energized with ORMUS to harmonize your energetic bodies. These are vibrational remedies,based on the concept that we are energetic beings, and when our energies become unbalanced, all levels...

    • Helps You Balance Personal Power and Self Worth
    • Feel Confident and Empowered with Healthy Self-esteem
    • Accept Responsibility for Creating Your Reality – Don’t Feel Victimized
  • Ormus Oils Aura Cleansing Oil

    Aura Cleansing ORMUS Mist

    Cleanse Your Aura

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Cleanse Your Aura

    Aura Cleansing ORMUS Mist can clear you of unwanted energies, to strengthen, balance and unblock the natural flow of your energetic field. Your Aura is a colored energetic field that emanates from your body and surrounds it. The colors depend on the vibrational level of your energy, affected and changed by the energy of others, depending on the current situation and mood. This can make you feel unbalanced, emotionally unstable, and just not like yourself. Aura Cleansing ORMUS Mist contains ORMUS and a special blend of essential oil in...

    • Clear Unwanted Energies
    • Balance and Unblock Your Natural Flow
    • Strengthen Your Energetic Field
  • Ormus Oils Crown Chakra ORMUS

    Crown Chakra ORMUS

    Connect to the Divine

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Connect to the Divine

    Crown Chakra ORMUS helps balance your Crown Chakra. It's the center of your spirituality, connection to the Divine, and is the gateway to higher dimensions. When the Crown Chakra is unbalanced, you may feel disconnected, frustrated, directionless, and fearful. ORMUS Oils and Lotions Both allow for the absorption of ORMUS through the skin directly into the bloodstream to be circulated where it is needed most. Choose your preference. ORMUS Mists are aromatherapy sprays, energized with ORMUS to harmonize your energetic bodies. These are vibrational remedies, based on the concept that we are energetic beings, and...

    • Connect with Spiritual Energy to Live by Divine Purpose and Will
    • Be Tranquil, Complete, Compassionate, Empathetic and Self-aware
    • Help Illuminate the Path for Others
  • Ormus Oils Crowning Glory ORMUS

    Crowning Glory ORMUS

    Stimulate Hair Growth

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Stimulate Hair Growth

    Crowning Glory ORMUS is specially blended with essential oils that act on hair follicles to stimulate hair growth. Helps increase scalp circulation (nutrients and oxygen) and balance skin oils. Factors affecting hair loss are complex and can include stress, hormone balance, nutrition, heredity, medications, age, and lifestyle factors. ORMUS and this special blend of essential oils help to mediate some of these factors to help reverse hair loss. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is the means of communication between the inner and the outer. ORMUS Oils and...

    • Stimulates Hair Growth
    • Helps Prevent Future Hair Loss
    • Increases Scalp Nutrient Circulation
    • Balances Scalp Oils
  • Ormus Oils Heart Chakra ORMUS

    Heart Chakra ORMUS

    Balance your Heart Chakra

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Balance your Heart Chakra

    Heart Chakra ORMUS may balance your Heart Chakra that rules your personal relationships and influences your ability to give and receive love in a healthy way. When the Heart Chakra is unbalanced we may feel isolated and lonely, or critical and judgmental of others. You might like to read: ORMUS Oils and Lotions ORMUS Alchemical Nano Minerals...

    • Helps Raise Consciousness Through the Power of Love
    • Balance Wisdom, Power and Love in Relationships and Actions
    • Integrate Masculine and Feminine Energy
  • Ormus Oils High Purification ORMUS

    High Purification ORMUS

    Strengthen Your Light Body

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Strengthen Your Light Body

    High Purification ORMUS Oil helps strengthen your light body, which in turn supports your physical body. This helps strengthen your immunity. Then the essential oils work on eliminating disease-causing microorganisms (fungi, yeast, parasites). Physical Benefits: Helps eliminate microorganisms. May decrease pain and other symptoms associated microorganism infections including Lyme disease. Spiritual Benefits: Strengthen your light body, integrate the right/left brain hemispheres, increase psychic intuitiveness and raise your consciousness. Microorganisms are thought to be responsible for many diseases that people endure.  Candida overgrowth can lead to metabolic imbalances. Other microorganisms and parasites are blamed...

    • Supports Your Light and Physical Bodies
    • Helps Strengthen Immunity
    • May Eliminate Disease-causing Microorganisms (Fungi, Yeast, Parasites)
    • Special ORMUS for Detoxification and Purification