trace minerals

Showing all 15 results

  • Himalayan Crystal Salt Coarse

    Crystal Salt Coarse

    Delicious, Whole Food Salt with 84 Elements!

    $0.15 Cashback
     By: Jevatee Naturals
    Delicious, Whole Food Salt with 84 Elements!

    Crystal Salt, Coarse Himalayan Crystal Salt is whole food nutrition, providing minerals, trace elements, and a storage medium for life force energy. Helps balance the fluids in your body. Supports better nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. Crystal Salt is food, much like fruits, vegetables, grains, and water. It is an essential nutrient, with exceptional abilities and qualities that are fundamental to keeping us alive. The most beneficial, cleanest salt available on our planet! Consuming natural Himalayan Crystal Salt supports and enhances good health. These minerals and trace elements keep things is balance: when they are...

    • A Natural and Tasty Pure Mineral Supplement
    • Contains Trace Elements and Living Energy
    • Finely Milled with Granite Stones
  • CR Supplements, Iodine label


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.23 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Iodine is vital to support your thyroid gland. It manages your energy, weight and hormones. Helps to balances emotional states. More obvious in women because of different hormonal dynamics. Regulates reproductive organs. Ovaries and breasts in women. Prostate gland in men. This mineral is critical for the mental and physical growth and development of children as well as healthy maintenance at all ages. Good IQ, learning abilities and memory have been linked to Iodine Deficiency is common and terribly harmful. Your body produces none therefore supplementation is essential. We cannot get adequate...

    • Supports Healthy Thyroid Gland
    • Helps Regulate Your Metabolism
    • May Normalize Endocrine Functions
  • SuperNutrient Corp Sea Aloe Gold

    Sea-Aloe Gold

    Restore Thyroid Function, Enhance Nutrient Absorption

    $0.59 Cashback
     By: Doc's Nutrients & Goods
    Restore Thyroid Function, Enhance Nutrient Absorption

    Sea-Aloe Gold contains nutritional treasures from land and sea. Provide an incredible boost to your immune system and mending processes. Working synergistically, Kelp and Aloe Vera: Kelp helps restore your thyroid function. By reinstating blocked (presence of other halides: bromine, fluorine, chlorine) thyroid receptors in your thyroid gland. Also helps nourish your thyroid and pituitary glands, helping maintain metabolic balance. Aloe Vera helps with nutrient absorption. It's antimicrobial and analgesic. Has been used successfully in connective tissue tumors with animals, and is being researched in human tumors. In other studies, Aloe has been...

    • Helps Restore Thyroid Function
    • May Normalize Bowls and Metabolic Processes
    • May  Enhance Nutrient Absorption
  • CR Supplements, Water 4 Life


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.43 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Zinc aids over 200 activities that occur in your body either directly or indirectly. It also supports: A strong immune system Healthy cell division for maintenance, growth and reproduction Enzymes for digestion and metabolism Proper assimilation of nutrients Maintenance of body tissues and proteins at all ages Normal growth and development in pregnancy, childhood and teens DNA synthesis Healthy blood sugar (when already normal) Maintenance of healthy reproductive system Wound repair and inflamed skin conditions. It's also an an antioxidant that may prevent and stop tumor growth.  May decrease symptoms of...

    • Helps Boost Immunity
    • Supports Improved Digestion and Nutrient Assimilation
    • May Speed Wound Repair (including inflamed skin conditions)
  • Allegany Nutrition, Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals

    Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals

    Full Spectrum, Over 72 Trace Minerals

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Allegany Nutrition
    Full Spectrum, Over 72 Trace Minerals

    Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals are excellent for body repairs and maintenance of your overall good health. Helps prevent discomforts and disease. Minerals help perform vital functions such as: Energy production pH balance Formation of blood and bone Maintaining healthy nervous system Body repairs Essential for proper utilization of nutrients Essential for regulating and manufacturing enzymes, amino acids and hormones Can prevent muscle spasms and leg cramps. It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of minerals and trace minerals for good health. All enzyme activities involve minerals. They are the catalysts for all nutrients...

    • Vital for Body Repairs and Maintenance
    • Naturally Balanced
    • Safety Assured
  • CR Supplements, Sulfur


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.43 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Sulfur helps increase your cellular oxygen. Helps remove cellular toxic waste. May reduce symptoms of aging. The primary function of Sulfur is transporting oxygen across your cell membranes. Without intracellular oxygen, your health declines and you age faster. Better oxygen transportation gives better health. Plants draw sulfur from soil. Mammals cannot. We must ingest sufficient quantities every day. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in your body (after calcium and phosphorus). It's crucial to maintaining good health for: Cellular toxic waste removal Essential for protein and insulin synthesis Important for carbohydrate metabolism...

    • Helps Increase Cellular Oxygen
    • May Reduce Signs of Aging
    • Helps Remove Cellular Toxic Waste
  • CR Supplements, Boron


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.23 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Boron Supports: Both short and long-term memory Good energy levels Strong bones and teeth Soft and flexible cartilage Conservation of calcium and magnesium in bones Healthy estradiol and testosterone levels. This mineral supports bone metabolism and healthy bone calcification. In turn, this support affects calcium, magnesium and phosphorus levels. Both in and outside of bones. The amount of calcium and magnesium that your body gets rid of will increase if Boron is lacking. A lack of Boron can make your body think there's an excess of calcium and magnesium. The perceived excess...

    • Promotes Strong Bones and Teeth
    • Helps Cartilage Flexibility
    • Conserves Calcium and Magnesium in Bones
  • CR Supplements, Silver


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.43 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Silver is a centuries-old way to wipe out bacterial, viral and fungal invaders. It suffocates single-cell organisms. Deprives them of oxygen so they die. It's use was widespread until World War II. Antibiotics then became the standard treatment for infections. But because of overuse, many pathogens have become resistant to antibiotics. Bacteria cannot become resistant. But it DOES kill some good healthy bacteria in your digestive system. Please take Probiotics to re-balance. Good health has been associated  with Silver for thousands of years. That's where this saying comes from:...

    • Natural Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal
    • Pathogens Do Not Become Resistant
    • Centuries-old Treatment
  • CR Supplements, Water 4 Life

    Water 4 Life

    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.43 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Water 4 Life begins as fossilized kelp. Concentrated through decomposition over eons of time. Contains a potent and broad variety of ionic calcium and trace minerals. Trace minerals aid and promote your body’s natural functions.  Perfect for overall body maintenance and may improve: Energy Immunity Heart health Digestion Mental focus and balanced moods Joint flexibility Sleep. These trace elements address a wide variety of body needs. They're constantly being used and eliminated and must be replenished. Water 4 Life is the perfect nutritional supplement for overall body support and...

    • May Improve Energy and Immunity
    • Supports Good Heart Health and Digestion
    • May Increase Mental Focus and Balance Moods
  • QuickSilver Scientific, QuintEssential Optimum Mineralization 3.3

    QuintEssential Optimum Mineralization 3.3

    Therapeutic Marine Plasma

    $0.50 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Therapeutic Marine Plasma

    QuintEssential Optimum Mineralization 3.3  Great way to nourish your cells if you're generally healthy. Especially great for active people, high physical performance and intense mental activity. If you want more daily energy. At 3.66 times the mineral concentration of your blood, this is an optimal way to provide nourishment for your cellular health, and overall vitality. It supports the highest capability in life and activity, both physically and mentally - perfect for helping: Fast-acting hydration and mineral replenishment May enhance athletic performance and recovery Supports sustained alertness and stamina Supports exertion from psychological effort...

    • Supports High Performance and Intense Mental Activity
    • Helps Increase Your Energy Endurance and Strength
    • Support Your Immune System and Other Cellular Functions
  • QuickSilver Scientific, QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9

    QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9

    Therapeutic Marine Plasma

    $0.50 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Therapeutic Marine Plasma

    QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9 Unique minerals support optimal health, for sensitive systems or a weaker constitution. Use QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9 when you're not at optimal wellness for an extended period of time. Ideal for a sensitive system or a weaker constitution. Also use it topically, anywhere on your skin to provide cosmetic improvement. The minerals and trace elements in Marine Plasma, extracted from plankton blooms, may enhance the health of your cells and overall performance. Because the composition of our cells is very similar to that of the ocean, this source provides the perfect balance...

    • Load Up with Essential Minerals
    • Supports Better Sleep and Calm Mental Focus
    • May Speed Recovery After Exercise
  • CR Supplements, Molybdenum


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.23 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Molybdenum is essential in trace amounts, to help regulate the pH balance in your body. It supports Iron metabolism. And enables enzymes that help break down fat for digestion. Also helps: Detoxify Nitrates and Sulfites If you regularly consume alcoholic beverages, potato chips, pickles and baked goods, you're eating a lot of sulfites. Nitrates are plentiful in bacon, sausages and lunch meats. They're all difficult for your body to eliminate. Molybdenum helps enzymes to safely and easily detoxify nitrates and sulfites. Helps Clear Candida and Mold Your liver requires Molybdenum to neutralize harmful by-products...

    • Helps Balance Your pH
    • Supports Iron Metabolism
    • Helps Break Down Fat for Digestion
  • CR Supplements, Platinum


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.23 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Platinum supports your body's response to several stressors. It supports normal tissue health. Platinum ionic mineral supplement is easy for your body to use, allowing maximum absorption. You will need to take less because absorption is more...

    • Support Your Body’s Stress Response
    • Support Normal Tissue Health
    • Ionic Form is Easy to Absorb
  • CR Supplements, Manganese


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.23 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Manganese is ionic form is easy for your body to use, allowing maximum absorption. Often called the brain mineral because it's important for all mental functions. It aids memory and nerve faculties. Also helps: Support collagen production, for strong (yet flexible) cartilage, tendons and ligaments May promote strong, dense bones when combined with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D Helps form blood clots in the first stage of wound healing when combined with vitamin K May help lower blood sugar for those with high blood sugar Good balance Healthy and comfortable menstrual...

    • Important for All Mental Functions
    • Supports Collagen Production
    • May Help Lower Blood Sugar
  • CR Supplements, PFN+


    Plant Formulated Nutrients plus Trace Minerals

    $0.23 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Plant Formulated Nutrients plus Trace Minerals

    PFN+ is designed to to aid digestion and enhance immunity. With a broad spectrum of plant nutrients and minerals. Quality enzyme action and phytonutrient function. An easy way to support your health, these nutrients compliment your daily diet. Get your enzymes working, and your cells communicating again. Nutrients lacking in your food can create cravings and disease. Processed foods that most of us eat do not provide enough nutrition for good health. Processed foods do not feed all cells equally. Only the cells most essential to survival get the nutrients. The remaining cells...

    • Broad Spectrum Plant Nutrients and Minerals
    • Aid Digestion and Enhance Immunity
    • Quality Enzyme Action