Tag: energy

Podcast 476: Chinese Tonic Herbs & Specialty Teas​

With Rehmannia Dean Thomas. Discover herbal remedies, medicinal teas and adaptogens used for healing in TCM and Ayurvedic medicine… Read More

Podcast 469: Exsula Superfoods Success Story

With Bob Peterson. These Superfood blends are crafted exclusively from whole foods, offering a comprehensive array of nutrients… Read More

Podcast 466: AO Scan

With Paige Wheeler. The AO Scan from a bioresonance device evaluates different facets of an individual’s health, and offers insights into the body’s energy frequencies… Read More

Podcast 463: Sleeping Soundly with Biocrystals

With Monica Leal. Sleep deprivation prevents our ability to function properly and can have serious negative side effects on our health. The Biocrystal products aim to create a better sleep environment, optimizing our immune system and cellular function… Read More

Podcast 462: Cellerciser

With David Hall and Martin Pytela. The Cellerciser is designed to help improve cardiovascular health, increase circulation and lympathic health, strengthen muscles, and increase overall fitness at a cellular level. It’s a low-impact type of exercise that doesn’t put strain on our joints like other high-impact exercises… Read More

Podcast 461: Water Beads

With Fred Kaufman. Water Beads are an incredible way to bring life back to water. They will energize and improve the quality of water in anything, including food, beverages, your body, pets and plants. Water Beads are a portable and convenient version of Water Sticks for water pipes… Read More

Podcast 455: Captimet and Electron Charger

With Spencer Feldman, discussing two new innovative products that help your body dispel harmful fat soluble toxins… Read More

Podcast 450: Predictions for 2023

With Martin and Scott, reviewing 2022 and looking into the future for what’s to come in politics, astrology, economics and health… Read More

Podcast 444: Thyrodine

With Phil Thomas. Thyrodine supports and protects your thyroid gland from radiation, balances hormones, reduces joint pain, strengthens immunity and more… Read More

Podcast 442: Sulfur Salts

With Phil Thomas. Sulfur Salts help you detoxify from heavy metals, enhance circulatory health, repair thyroid and metabolic functions, improve blood pressure, stress and more… Read More

Coenzyme Q10 Basics

Also known as ubiquinone, Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant, helps energy production and boosts immunity… Read More

Podcast 375: Safe Energy

With Elijah Free. Get more energy and mental clarity, without caffeine or other stimulants… Read More